
Test Syllabus

CRET Admission Test 2018

  • Level I of CRET-2018 Test will consist of two papers. Paper I will have 25 objective type questions of 2 marks each. Paper II will have subjective type. Questions with small, medium and large type answers: The duration of Paper I and II will be 30 min and 120 min respectively. The total marks of Paper I and II will be 50 and 250 respectively. Total marks of both papers will be 300. Both papers will be held in a single meeting. The above information is also given in the Table-1.
  • The Level 2 Test shall entail an interview and may include Presentations, groupdiscussions or other modes of appraisal and shall be administered by the Doctoral ProgrammeCommittee of the Department / Institute / Centre concerned.
  • Provided that there shall be negative marking for wrong answers, in pursuance of which, while 02 (Three) marks will be awarded for every right answer and 0.5 mark would be deducted for every wrong answer.